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testamentary guardians

Testamentary Guardians

If you were gone – what would happen to your kids?

It’s a really important question and quite frankly, not a very pleasant one to think about.

Did you know you can nominate guardians for your children in your will?

They are called “testamentary guardians” when nominated in your will.

I am sure your loved ones will be extremely grateful (if the need ever arises) that you have taken the time to appoint guardians for your children.

You can also provide guidance on the future care of your children.

You can provide guidance to your proposed guardians on decisions about your children’s future care, education and lifestyle.

The decisions you make can help your children and your family transition through their grief with a little less stress and chaos.

Like all aspects of your estate plan you should regularly review your choice of guardians and the guidance provided:

    • Are they still appropriate? 
    • Are they still willing and able to act?
    • As your children develop perhaps some of the suggestions you have made for their future education, extra-curricular activities and personal development may no longer be suitable or appropriate. 

Regular reviews of the document will ensure it remains relevant to your children.

If you would like a checklist of items to consider when appointing a guardian send us an email and we will forward it to you.

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